02 March 2011

NeW DisH ThouGhT by JacQ-cHe

Yesterday. Jacq-che discussed a dish with me, which I found quite creative - hard boiled eggs with the egg yolks being replaced with salmon fish ball.

As it was quite a dry dish, I suggest pouring tomato sauce with big onions on top of it and the end result is as follow:-
What do you think? ;-p

As I have mentioned before, lately I have been trying out a few recipes for Kayden to taste. I can say this for sure - it's not an easy task but someone got to do it... I ran out of ideas and decided to browse the net for simple toddler soup recipe and this caught my eye... I am not a vivid fan of western cuisine and I have rarely drink this kind of soup too. However, after reading through the ingredients and preparations for this dish, they are cheap and easy to get as well as to prepare. So here's is my mushroom soup for Kayden...

He finished the whole bowl !

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