30 March 2009

It HuRtS!

Recently I received an sms and it really broke my heart when I read it. People tend to think me uncaring, unreasonable, ignorant but I hope that they will understand my situation. I just wished they don't assume anything without understanding.

Sometimes, I have so much to say but I just keep them in my heart rather than share it out. There are people who would understand but there are also people who would take it the wrong way. So for everyone's sake, I rather keep quiet...

Anyhow, I will not let this matter affect my everyday life. No one knows what's gonna happen today or tomorrow. So face it with a smile : )

23 March 2009

HiS NeW eLeCtRoNiC OrGaN

Yesterday my husband bought an electronic organ for Kayden. While the saleslady was testing the instruments, Kayden was memerized by the wonderful colours and the sounds it made. Everything was ok - the saleslady put it back into the box after testing it - till Kayden cried out. I think, in his mind, he's thinking why his daddy does not want to buy him the electronic organ so he was kind of like protesting... I had to assure him that we indeed were buying it for him.

By the time we were home from shopping, Kayden was sound asleep. However when my husband took out the organ and accidentally touched one of the keyboards, he woke up instantly and didn't want to go back to sleep. His interest was on the organ - he immediately wanted to play with it...

Here he is, touching with curiousity, all the gadgets on the organ itself.
Among all, he likes the drum beat best.
He even danced to the rhythm of the beat ;)

KaYdEn's GoLf Le$$oN

Steady hands...
Starting to swing now...
Halfway through...
Kayden has been observing his gong gong play golf for the last couple of days. So I can say that now he has got the idea of how to swing the club and hit the golf ball. He might be a left hander like his gong gong too...

17 March 2009

UpdaTe 0n KaYdEn

Kayden is 15 1/2 months now. He weighs about 11.5 kgs. He can walk on his own now. His daily activities are:

> Browsing through his books, especially the one on the types of cars,

> He loves watching his Mickey Mouse programmes ( especially in the morning and when he's about to take his nap ),

> Using the tv remote controller, he would switch the tv channels around and sometimes turn on and off the television ( he learnt to do this just yesterday)

> Playing golf - his skills have improved. He can even make the 'chop' sound when he hits the ball.

12 March 2009

LeiSure TimE

Firstly Kayden was browsing through a book of Cars. A while later, Kayden's attention was turned to the book of Planes...

This tells me that his attention span is quite short. Must always remind myself to be ready with new ideas and gimmicks for him to explore.

Look at the way he's lying down on the bed, especially his legs. Kayden knows that I am taking his picture so he poses for me, hehe :p

This is a musical keyboard which plays the sounds made by various animals. Kayden loves pressing the sound of the dog - whenever he sees a dog, he would go " woo, woo...".

KaYdeN's pLaY CoRnEr

A corner of our family room upstairs had been turned into Kayden's play corner. My FIL spent one whole afternoon painting the wall - the colours chosen for the wall were by my MIL and SIL. Very grateful to them...

His table and chair. On the table, his toys and books while on the wall, a poster on time and transport. 

His photo since birth till one year.

A poster showing Mickey Mouse (his favourite character) doing all kinds of sports

I filled this part of the wall with alphabets (just outside our room). Am happy with my work, hehe...

11 March 2009

FaTheR & SoN QuAliTy TiMe

Kelvin has taken a week off work: (1) to spend time with Kayden, (2) to rest after a long stressful month of work - due to project. These pictures were taken this morning. They looked so happy together -> even their smiles are identical *0*

I feel so blessed to have such a wonderful husband and adorable son.

BuiLDinG TiMe

The first thing that Kayden noticed was the man inside the house. I put a little helicopter on the top of the house because Kayden likes helicopters...

The picture beside shows the front view of the house I built.

This is the right side view of the house. I am happy with the little achievement that I have made.