13 July 2010

InTeR-ClaSS DaNciNg CoMpeTiTioN 2010

This year, I was not really satisfied with the dancing results competition. I kind of felt it was unjustified. Our dance was so unique and our pupils put in a lot of effort into performing their best for this competition. For them to lose and get 5th position, it broke my heart - some of them even cried out.

However, I know that they all did their best to perform. Good job, girls. Thanks for all your effort!

DiNNeR aT KimCHi

We went to try out a Korean restaurant in Qlap area last Sunday. So far, Korean food is something I have yet to like especially kimchi. I don't particularly like it - maybe it's the colour or the taste that I, myself, am not so sure why I just don't like to eat them. But what caught my attention was their 'pusu' - I just adored them. There is a slight sweetish flavour and they are not too dry.

So, I ordered a bento set which is more towards Japanese style. I guess my favourite is still Japanese food. I just love them ;-p

BaNdAr's ViEw aT NiGhT

As always, every year, before His Majesty's Big Day, Bandar is lit up with colourful lights and decorations. However, I noticed that some of them were still the same as last year. Therefore, I dare say not much changes though....

Normally town life is supposed to be lively, it doesn't seem that way in Brunei. It looks more like a ghost town - not a single person in sight!