Yesterday my husband bought an electronic organ for Kayden. While the saleslady was testing the instruments, Kayden was memerized by the wonderful colours and the sounds it made. Everything was ok - the saleslady put it back into the box after testing it - till Kayden cried out. I think, in his mind, he's thinking why his daddy does not want to buy him the electronic organ so he was kind of like protesting... I had to assure him that we indeed were buying it for him.
By the time we were home from shopping, Kayden was sound asleep. However when my husband took out the organ and accidentally touched one of the keyboards, he woke up instantly and didn't want to go back to sleep. His interest was on the organ - he immediately wanted to play with it...
Here he is, touching with curiousity, all the gadgets on the organ itself.
Among all, he likes the drum beat best.
He even danced to the rhythm of the beat ;)