23 February 2009

HaPPy 25th NaTioNal Day to BruNei Daru$$alaM

This year, the event was held in the Stadium instead of the Padang in town. Maybe it's because it's the 25th year, so the authorities decided to have it in the place where it all started. Parents have to send their children early to school as their children are involved in the activities prepared for His Majesty.

This morning, I drove Kayden out for a spin and was I in a surprise! There was no cars in sight - it was like a 'ghost town'... The road was empty, the shops closed for the morning (they only resume business in the afternoon).

Whenever Kayden sees a basket, he would want to go in. So this was what I did - I put him into the basket (I can tell that he loves it) and swing him slightly. Boy oh boy, did he laugh out loud...

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