24 February 2009

VoLcAnO NeArLy eRuPtEd!

Feeding Kayden is proving to be a difficult task nowadays. Before he would just sit down in his baby chair and let me feed him. Now, he would throw tantrums, cry out loud and sometimes climb out from his chair.

Today, the nanny and I have tried means of ways to make him sit and enjoy his meal but he just doesn't want to eat, which made me quite frustrated as I was not having a good day...... Kayden cried out, wanting this and that and even tried to climb out from his chair (I think it's probably because he's also wanting to take his nap as he woke up quite early this morning). However, in the end, I managed to feed him (I played his favourite Mickey Mouse programme).

Later, when he took his nap, I just sat and watched him.... When he sleeps, he looks so angelic that I feel like wanting to pinch his cheek. As for my husband, he would hold his finger and smile while watching him sleep ... Just looking at him sleep is one of the most beautiful moments of being a parent.

23 February 2009

HaPPy 25th NaTioNal Day to BruNei Daru$$alaM

This year, the event was held in the Stadium instead of the Padang in town. Maybe it's because it's the 25th year, so the authorities decided to have it in the place where it all started. Parents have to send their children early to school as their children are involved in the activities prepared for His Majesty.

This morning, I drove Kayden out for a spin and was I in a surprise! There was no cars in sight - it was like a 'ghost town'... The road was empty, the shops closed for the morning (they only resume business in the afternoon).

Whenever Kayden sees a basket, he would want to go in. So this was what I did - I put him into the basket (I can tell that he loves it) and swing him slightly. Boy oh boy, did he laugh out loud...

22 February 2009

HiS nEw tOy CaR

KaYDeN's NeW LooK :D

Yesterday, when Kayden saw his daddy wearing a cap, he also wanted to wear one. A year ago, my husband bought him a cap but it was too big for him. Now, the cap is just right for him. This is how he looks with the cap on - in three different poses!

18 February 2009

NoTHinG's ImPoSsiBLe

Kayden lately had been taking his steps carefully. Now he can stand up and walk on his own, which was quite an accomplishment for him at his age. I don't even remember the first time I walked or how long it takes for me to learn how to do so...

Like the advertisement said - nothing's impossible if you just do it.

Two days ago, Kayden learned to sing the ending part of his favourite song, the "Hotdog Song". Though it sounds funny (it's the way he sings it), it's just amazing to see him learning new things day by day.

I was playing with my phone camera yesterday when Kayden suddenly pressed the button. This picture is taken by him ;D

15 February 2009

On HiS OwN

Kayden is able to stand and walk on his own today. He slowly stood up and walked over to his nanny (who, by the way, was surprised by his action). However, when my MIL asked him to walk towards her, he didn't want to - maybe it's because he had an audience and he didn't want to do it...

Recently, Kayden has trying my patience especially when changing his diaper. He always fidgets whenever I changed his diaper - he would move about, touch here and there and not want to wear it (maybe he feels warm when wearing it or maybe he just want to play around). Even when I showed him my "angry" face, he just smiled innocently. However, in the end, I still managed to put it on him, much to his dismay.

11 February 2009

(",) 1st DaY aT toDDler sChOOL

Kayden really enjoyed himself today. First, I thought he might have trouble settling in with the boys and girls slightly older than him. But when I put him on the mat, he's on the move. He played around with the educational toys, interacted with the boys and girls (Kayden is the youngest one) and even the teacher herself. The teacher praised him too and he rewarded her with a smile...

Though, I was not allowed to take pictures (it was prohibited as one of the royal families' grandchild was there), I did manage to take two pictures of Kayden and also a ten-secs video of him.

On the way back home, Kayden kept chattering (baby's talk) and laughing in the car. From the looks of it, he really had fun at school today. Before bringing him over, I was worried and nervous that he might not adjust to the new experience, but to see him this happy after school, all my worries and anxiety are gone... Hooray for Kayden :p

10 February 2009

FiRsT ViSiTaTioN to ISB

Yesterday, while Kayden was playing in his playpen, he did something out of the ordinary. Normally when he's playing, he would make a lot of noise but yeterday, it was quiet. So I went to check on him and realized that he bit himself on the hand... It looked red and to think that he didn't even make a sound to show that he was in pain or anything. Like my MIL and SIL said, he is pain - tolerrant. When I held his hand, he SMILED at me instead.

This morning, my family and I drove over to ISB to inquiry about Kayden's enrollment into the school next year. While my FIL and I were in the office doing the enquiry, my MIL took him outside to see the Kindergarten children having a break. One of the boys called out to him, "Come on, little boy"... Immediately Kayden wanted to join him. He looked at the security guard, who was nearby, and indicated to him to open the door. He laughed! Looks like Kayden is very anxious to start school. Hooray!!

Anyway, the staff told us that he'll only be able to join them next year, Aug 2010. However, there is a session for children below the age of 3 every Wednesday from 3 - 5pm so we decided to let Kayden try it and let him mingle with the children... Tomorrow will be his first day in toddler school and though I am having mixed feelings about it (worry, nervous about his reaction, excited that he's going to school) I think he will enjoy himself very much.

08 February 2009

SuNsHiNe aFTeR tHe rAiN ;p

Finally, the sun is out today... After a few days of rain, it feels so wonderful to see the sun. I just pray that it will stay that way for the next couple of days or maybe weeks and from the looks of it, I think it will definitely be sunny for the next couple of days.

My husband and I had pizza for dinner today. We decided we wanted to have a break from all these CNY goodies, rice, noodles, fish, ... It feels so nice to have something different for a change :D and it's been a long time since we have pizza.

Tomorrow is the last day of CNY - our " Chap Go Meh " dinner ( We got invited to have dinner at I-Lotus ).
I bet there will be lots of fireworks tomorrow night. Kayden was excited to see firework displays in the Qlap area on our drive down to Bandar just now.

05 February 2009

Where's the sun?

It rained heavily this morning. Now, it has turned to slight drizzle. I doubt the sun would come out today! We received an sms from NDMC yesterday, saying that from 4th to 7th February, there might be flashfloods and citizens are asked to take caution.

The newpapers recently stated that Sungai Liang had a severe flood and this caused one of the roads to break in half, which is dangerous for road users.

For the past few days, the rain has come and go. Fortunately, it didn't dampen the CNY mood. I just hope the sun would stop hiding behind those clouds and make everyone happy : )

04 February 2009


Like his gong2 and daddy, Kayden has taken an interest in golf. However, there is a difference between Kayden and golfers. Golfers swing their clubs standing up, but for Kayden, he does it in his own special way - swinging whilst sitting down.

What amazes me was his swing - he really has the strength to swing hard, especially with his right hand! One or twice, I nearly got in his way... I believe that, one day, Kayden will be a great player like his gong2 and daddy :p